Summer Music School. What is it?


Summer School is a week-long, non residential course of musical creativity open to all ages. It is led by professional oboist, Ben Marshall, supported by a team of some of East Kent’s best instrumental teachers, bringing together musicians to play as an ensemble and receive tuition in small groups too. We welcome children (aged 9 years and over) and adults (no age restriction!) who are of Grade 1 standard and above on a wind, brass, strings or percussion instrument. It is all inclusive and we aim high!

A separate Junior Band runs every morning through the week working on their own pieces but also joining the main ensemble at times and performing in the evening concert at the end of the week. The Junior Band is open to children 9 years and above playing any instrument, who are not experienced enough for the main course; they should have their own instrument.

Details for Summer School 2025 will be announced in the coming months.

Discounts and bursaries are available on request for those experiencing financial hardship.

Who leads it?
Ben Marshall, Musical Director

How can I find out more or get involved?
Contact Deal Music & Arts: